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Bride and Groom wedding in Italy

Dear readers, its'a pleasure to publish some photos of Marco Miglianti for a nice wedding in Italy celebrated from the bride and groom only.

If you have decided to have a wedding in Italy as described above, you have all the possibilities imaginable to create an unforgettable special day.
Contact us and you will not be disappointed.



Wedding in Orvieto


Wedding in Italy Photographer

Its' a pleasure to publish an interview with Marco Miglianti. Wedding photographer in Italy just prized with best photographer of the year 2010


1. Tell me about yourself.

I am Marco Miglianti, a wedding photographer, strange isn't it? Photographers are usually embarrassed to only photograph weddings, but I really like doing this, I like the air that you breathe at weddings, the emotions that you and others feel, the atmosphere.
A 2010 with great satisfactions, both personal and for the Company as a whole, we were nominated as Photographer of the year in 2010 for the prestigious ANFM (national association of wedding photographers); at the beginning of this year, when I entered this contest.

Other wonderful satisfactions arrived in the year 2010: AGWPJA (a fine art photojournalistic approach to wedding photography), they inserted me in the list of the best photographers in the world for 2010, to be precise at the 20th place and the prestigious WPJA put me in the annual classification as the 51st photographer in the world.

2. When did you start to photograph destination weddings in Italy, and your first impressions?
I started not so long ago, It's been 3 years now, I really like them, foreigners are very happy people and know how to live the wedding day ceremony partying and becoming emotional.

3. Which are the important aspects of a wedding in Italy that you like highlighting?
I like all the minimal details, the emotions, the venues ...everything, I like the idea of trying to create a photo-service that story-tells the wedding to all who were present but also to those who weren't.

4. Are there any different aspects that you have improved on after each service that you have done?
Maybe the tranquility in the approach to the actual wedding day, I'm no longer afraid to make mistakes on the important photographs .... At the end, all the photos of that day are important.

5. Which errors have you noticed on behalf of the wedding couple that have had a negative influence on your photo-shoot service?
The choice of the Venue, the uncured illumination or the time-planning of the wedding day that forces the couple to not enjoy their day.


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